Total War Perfect World

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3 posters

    A couple quick suggestions


    Mesaje : 2
    Data de inscriere : 2013-04-22
    Varsta : 36

    A couple quick suggestions  Empty A couple quick suggestions

    Post  Arthdhor Mon Apr 22, 2013 1:07 pm

    Ok so I've been here for about a week now and noticed that a couple things that would be great and would also help with pvp/growth of server. 1st we need more active GM's that are willing to do more event's to make people want to stay on longer then a few mins a day also some that would ban clear auto mg's and not just sit and watch them and log off and let it be. Also more mods on forums to control the stuff posted who can log on and solve the problem. Maybe a reward program for the top 3 people in pvp and top 3 who recruit new people to the server. Also a few more quests would make it more interesting during the down time when there is no pvp. Quests that give say 5 THC/Revenge/Song and no ra/soul or liquid. Those are getting quite scarce in peoples bags lol. Maybe do a a handful of world bosses to give new people a chance to farm and not be pk'd and last but not least somebody else who can update the data base for new players to get stuff and not have to wait so long to see the chars on the panel. I know it may seem like a lot but I've had a lot of experience with other full pvp servers going down because there was lack of things to do so people get bored and leave. Also maybe raise max lvl up some and make it where you have to have so many mats mailed to the admin at once to hit max lvl instead of a auto lvl. Gives everybody a reason to go farm/quest instead of standing around lol

    Mesaje : 169
    Data de inscriere : 2013-01-18

    A couple quick suggestions  Empty Re: A couple quick suggestions

    Post  HyperSin Mon Apr 22, 2013 1:34 pm

    ok gms have rules that the admin gives them to follow. gms dont have free will ether

    Mesaje : 2
    Data de inscriere : 2013-04-22
    Varsta : 36

    A couple quick suggestions  Empty Re: A couple quick suggestions

    Post  Arthdhor Mon Apr 22, 2013 3:41 pm

    HyperSin wrote:ok gms have rules that the admin gives them to follow. gms dont have free will ether

    I understand them having rules but what's the point of a gm when there is nothing they can do? The reason there is gm's on a server is to control things and keep order but them standing beside somebody who has SS on here with proof they are using auto and see them doing it why do they not do something? So if they can only watch then why even have gm's and just let the ones using auto run the server

    Mesaje : 265
    Data de inscriere : 2013-01-19
    Varsta : 31
    Localizare : France

    A couple quick suggestions  Empty Re: A couple quick suggestions

    Post  Fred Mon Apr 22, 2013 3:46 pm

    Arthdhor wrote:
    HyperSin wrote:ok gms have rules that the admin gives them to follow. gms dont have free will ether

    I understand them having rules but what's the point of a gm when there is nothing they can do? The reason there is gm's on a server is to control things and keep order but them standing beside somebody who has SS on here with proof they are using auto and see them doing it why do they not do something? So if they can only watch then why even have gm's and just let the ones using auto run the server
    cuz if the admin take a bad GM, this person will probly ban only who he don't like or hate ... and then the server won't be really good at all ...

    Mesaje : 169
    Data de inscriere : 2013-01-18

    A couple quick suggestions  Empty Re: A couple quick suggestions

    Post  HyperSin Mon Apr 22, 2013 5:25 pm

    fred read my mind

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